
For the examples in this chapter, I’ll be assuming that you’ve loaded your server up with the books data supplied with the example Solr setup.

The data itself you can see at $SOLR_SOURCE_DIR/example/exampledocs/books.json. To load it into a server running with the example schema:

$ cd example/exampledocs
$ curl 'http://localhost:8983/solr/update/json?commit=true' --data-binary \
@exampledocs/books.json -H 'Content-type:application/json'

Searching solr

Scorched uses a chaining API, and will hopefully look quite familiar to anyone who has used the Django ORM.

The books.json data looked like this:

        "id" : "978-0641723445",
        "cat" : ["book","hardcover"],
        "name" : "The Lightning Thief",
        "author" : "Rick Riordan",
        "series_t" : "Percy Jackson and the Olympians",
        "sequence_i" : 1,
        "genre_s" : "fantasy",
        "inStock" : true,
        "price" : 12.50,
        "pages_i" : 384


Dynamic fields.

Dynamic fields are named with a suffix (*_i, *_t, *_s).

A simple search for one word, in the default search field.

>>> si.query("thief")

Maybe you want to search in the (non-default) field author for authors called Martin

>>> si.query(author="rick")

Maybe you want to search for books with “thief” in their title, by an author called “rick”.

>>> si.query(name="thief", author="rick")

Perhaps your initial, default, search is more complex, and has more than one word in it:

>>> si.query(name="lightning").query(name="thief")

A easy way to see what sunburnt is producing is to call options:

>>> si.query(name="lightning").query(name="thief").options()
{'q': u'name:lightning AND name:thief'}

Executing queries

Scorched is lazy in constructing queries. The examples in the previous section don’t actually perform the query - they just create a “query object” with the correct parameters. To actually get the results of the query, you’ll need to execute it:

>>> response = si.query("thief").execute()

This will return a SolrResponse object. If you treat this object as a list, then each member of the list will be a document, in the form of a Python dictionary containing the relevant fields:

For example, if you run the first example query above, you should see a response like this:

>>> for result in si.query("thief").execute():
...    print result
    u'name': u'The Lightning Thief',
    u'author': u'Rick Riordan',
    u'series_t': u'Percy Jackson and the Olympians',
    u'pages_i': 384,
    u'genre_s': u'fantasy',
    u'author_s': u'Rick Riordan',
    u'price': 12.5,
    u'price_c': u'12.5,USD',
    u'sequence_i': 1,
    u'inStock': True,
    u'_version_': 1462820023761371136,
    u'cat': [u'book', u'hardcover'],
    u'id': u'978-0641723445'

Of course, often you don’t want your results in the form of a dictionary, you want an object. Perhaps you have the following class defined in your code:

>>> class Book:
...     def __init__(self, name, author, **other_kwargs):
...         self.title = name
...         self.author = author
...         self.other_kwargs = other_kwargs
...     def __repr__(self):
...         return 'Book("%s", "%s")' % (self.title, self.author)

You can tell scorched to give you Book instances back by telling execute() to use the class as a constructor.

>>> for result in si.query("game").execute(constructor=Book):
...     print result
Book("The Lightning Thief", "Rick Riordan")

The constructor argument most often will be a class, but it can be any callable; it will always be called as constructor(**response_dict).

You can extract more information from the response than simply the list of results. The SolrResponse object has the following attributes:

  • response.status : status of query. (status != 0 something went wrong).
  • response.QTime : how long did the query take in milliseconds.
  • response.params : the params that were used in the query.

and the results themselves are in the following attributes

Finally, response.result itself has the following attributes

  • response.result.numFound : total number of docs found in the index.

  • response.result.docs : the actual results themselves.

  • response.result.start : if the number of docs is less than numFound,

    then this is the pagination offset.


If you want to get all / a huge number of results, you should use cursors to get the results in smaller chunks. Due to the way this is implemented in Solr, your sort needs to include your uniqueKey field. The cursor() method returns a cursor that you can iterate over. Like execute(), cursor() takes an optional constructor parameter. In addition you can pass rows to define how many results should be fetched from Solr at once.

>>> for item in si.query("black").sort_by('id').cursor(rows=100): ...

Returning different fields

By default, Solr will return all stored fields in the results. You might only be interested in a subset of those fields. To restrict the fields Solr returns, you apply the field_limit() methods.

>>> si.query("game").field_limit("id")
>>> si.query("game").field_limit(["id", "name"])

You can use the same option to get hold of the relevancy score that Solr has calculated for each document in the query:

>>> si.query("game").field_limit(score=True) # Return the score alongside each document
>>> si.query("game").field_limit("id", score=True") # return just the id and score.

The results appear just like the normal dictionary responses, but with a different selection of fields.

>>> for result in si.query("thief").field_limit("id", score=True"):
...     print result
{u'score': 0.6349302, u'id': u'978-0641723445'}

More complex queries

In our books example, there are two numerical fields - the price (which is a float) and sequence_i (which is an integer). Numerical fields can be queried:

  • exactly
  • by comparison (< / <= / >= / >)
  • by range (between two values)

Exact queries

Don’t try and query floats exactly unless you really know what you’re doing (http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/E19957-01/806-3568/ncg_goldberg.html). Solr will let you, but you almost certainly don’t want to. Querying integers exactly is fine though.

>>> si.query(sequence_i=1)

Comparison queries

These use a new syntax:

>>> si.query(price__lt=7)

Notice the double-underscore separating “price” from “lt”. It will search for all books whose price is less than 7. You can do similar searches on any float or integer field, and you can use:

  • gt : greater than, >
  • gte : greater than or equal to, >=
  • lt : less than, <
  • lte : less than or equal to, <=

Range queries

As an extension of a comparison query, you can query for values that are within a range, ie between two different numbers.

>>> si.query(price__range=(5, 7)) # all books with prices between 5 and 7.

This range query is inclusive - it will return prices of books which are priced at exactly 5 or exactly 7. You can also make an exclusive search:

>>> si.query(price__rangeexc=(5, 7))

Which will exclude books priced at exactly 5 or 7.

Finally, you can also do a completely open range search:

>>> si.query(price__any=True)

Will search for a book which has any price. Why would you do this? Well, if you had a schema where price was optional, then this search would return all books which had a price - and exclude any books which didn’t have a price.

Date queries

You can query on dates the same way as you can query on numbers: exactly, by comparison, or by range.

Be warned, though, that exact searching on date suffers from similar problems to exact searching on floating point numbers. Solr stores all dates to microsecond precision; exact searching will fail unless the date requested is also correct to microsecond precision.

>>> si.query(date_dt=datetime.datetime(2006, 02, 13))

Will search for items whose manufacture date is exactly zero microseconds after midnight on the 13th February, 2006.

More likely you’ll want to search by comparison or by range:

# all items after the 1st January 2006
>>> si.query(date_dt__gt=datetime.datetime(2006, 1, 1))

# all items in Q1 2006.
>>> si.query(date_dt__range=(datetime.datetime(2006, 1, 1), datetime.datetime(2006, 4, 1))

The argument to a date query can be any object that looks roughly like a Python datetime object or a string in W3C Datetime notation (http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime)

>>> si.query(date_dt__gte="2006")
>>> si.query(date_dt__lt="2009-04-13")
>>> si.query(date_dt__range=("2010-03-04 00:34:21", "2011-02-17 09:21:44"))

Boolean fields

Boolean fields are flags on a document. In the example hardware specs, documents carry an inStock field. We can select on that by doing:

>>> si.query("thief", inStock=True)

Sorting results

Solr will return results in “relevancy” order. How Solr determines relevancy is a complex question, and can depend highly on your specific setup. However, it’s possible to override this and sort query results by another field. This field must be sortable, so most likely your’’d use a numerical or date field.

>>> si.query("thief").sort_by("price") # ascending price
>>> si.query("thief").sort_by("-price") # descending price

You can also sort on multiple factors:

>>> si.query("thief").sort_by("-price").sort_by("score")

This query will sort first by descending price, and then by increasing “score” (which is what Solr calls relevancy).

Complex queries

Scorched queries can be chained together in all sorts of ways, with query terms being applied.

What we do is construct two query objects, one for each condition, and OR them together.

>>> si.query(si.Q("thief") | si.Q("sea"))

The Q object can contain an arbitrary query, and can then be combined using Boolean logic (here, using |, the OR operator). The result can then be passed to a normal si.query() call for execution.

Q objects can be combined using any of the Boolean operators, so also & (AND) and ~ (NOT), and can be nested within each other.

A moderately complex query could be written:

>>> query = si.query(si.Q(si.Q("thief") & ~si.Q(author="ostein")) \
| si.Q(si.Q("foo") & ~si.Q(author="bui")))

Which will producse this query:

>>> query.options()
{'q': u'(thief AND (*:* AND NOT author:ostein)) OR (foo AND (*:* AND NOT author:bui))'}

Excluding results from queries

If we want to exclude results by some criteria we use the ~si.Q().

>>> si.query(~si.Q(author="Rick Riordan"))

Wildcard searching

You can use asterisks and question marks in the normal way, except that you may not use leading wildcards - ie no wildcards at the beginning of a term.

Search for book with “thie” in the name:

>>> si.query(name=scorched.strings.WildcardString("thie*"))

If, for some reason, you want to search exactly for a string with an asterisk or a question mark in it then you need to tell Solr to special case it:

>>> si.query(id=RawString("055323933?*"))

This will search for a document whose id contains exactly the string given, including the question mark and asterisk.

Filter queries

Solr implements several internal caching layers, and to some extent you can control when and how they’re used.

Often, you find that you can partition your query; one part is run many times without change, or with very limited change, and another part varies much more. (See http://wiki.apache.org/solr/FilterQueryGuidance for more guidance.)

If you taking search input from the user, you would write:

>>> si.query(name=user_input).filter(price__lt=7.5)
>>> si.query(name=user_input).filter(price__gte=7.5)

Adding multiple filter:

>>> si.query(name="bla").filter(price__lt=7.5).filter(author="hans").options()
{'fq': [u'author:hans', u'price:{* TO 7.5}'], 'q': u'name:bla'}

You can filter any sort of query, simply by using filter() instead of query(). And if your filtering involves an exclusion, then simple use ~si.Q(author="lloyd").

>>> si.query(title="black").filter(~si.Q(author="lloyd")).options()
{'fq': u'NOT author:lloyd', 'q': u'title:black'}

It’s possible to mix and match query() and filter() calls as much as you like while chaining. The resulting filter queries will be combined and cached together. The argument to a filter() call can be an combination of si.Q objects.

>>> si.query(title="black").filter(
...     si.Q(si.Q(name="thief") & ~si.Q(author="ostein"))
...         ).filter(si.Q(si.Q(title="foo") & ~si.Q(author="bui"))
... ).options()
{'fq': [u'name:thief', u'title:foo', u'NOT author:ostein', u'NOT author:bui'],
 'q': u'title:black'}


Solr provides a mechanism for “boosting” results according to the values of various fields (See http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SolrRelevancyCookbook#Boosting_Ranking_Terms for a full explanation).

Boosts the importance of the author field by 3.

>>> si.query(si.Q("black") | si.Q(author="lloyd")**3).options()
{'q': u'black OR author:lloyd^3'}

A more common pattern is that you want all books with “black” in the title and you have a preference for those authored by Lloyd Alexander. This is different from the last query; the last query would return books by Lloyd Alexander which did not have “black” in the title. Achieving this in Solr is possible, but a little awkward; scorched provides a shortcut for this pattern.

>>> si.query("black").boost_relevancy(3, author_t="lloyd").options()
{'q': u'black OR (black AND author_t:lloyd^3)'}

This is fully chainable, and boost_relevancy can take an arbitrary collection of query objects.


For background, see http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SimpleFacetParameters.

Scorched lets you apply faceting to any query, with the facet_by() method, chainable on a query object. The facet_by() method needs, at least, a field (or list of fields) to facet on:

>>> facet_query = si.query("thief").facet_by("sequence_i").paginate(rows=0)

The above fragment will search for game with “thrones” in the title, and facet the results according to the value of sequence_i. It will also return zero results, just the facet output.

>>> print facet_query.execute().facet_counts.facet_fields
{u'sequence_i': [(u'1', 1), (u'2', 0)]}

The facet_counts objects contains several sets of results - here, we’re only interested in the facet_fields object. This contains a dictionary of results, keyed by each field where faceting was requested. The dictionary value is a list of two-tuples, mapping the value of the faceted field.

You can facet on more than one field at a time:

>>> si.query(...).facet_by(fields=["field1", "field2, ...])

The facet_fields dictionary will have more than one key.

Solr supports a number of parameters to the faceting operation. All of the basic options are exposed through scorched:

fields, prefix, sort, limit, offset, mincount, missing, method,

All of these can be used as keyword arguments to the facet() call, except of course the last one since it contains periods. To pass keyword arguments with periods in them, you can use ** syntax:

You can facet by ranges. The following query will return range facets over field1: 0-10, 11-20, 21-30, etc. The mincount parameter can be used to return only those facets which contain a minimum number of results.

>>> si.query(...).facet_range(fields='field1', start=0, gap=10, end=100, \
                              limit=10, mincount=1)

Alternatively, you create ranges of dates using Solr’s date math syntax. This next example creates a facet for each of the last 12 months.

>>> si.query(...).facet_range(fields='field1', start='NOW-12MONTHS/MONTH', \
                              gap='+1MONTHS', end='NOW/MONTH')

See https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/solr/Working+with+Dates#WorkingwithDates-DateMath for more details on date math syntax.

>>> facet(**{"enum.cache.minDf":25})

You can also facet on the result of one or more queries, using the facet_query() method. For example:

>>> fquery = si.query("game").facet_query(price__lt=7).facet_query(price__gte=7)
>>> print fquery.execute().facet_counts.facet_queries
[('price:[7.0 TO *]', 1), ('price:{* TO 7.0}', 1)]

This will facet the results according to the two queries specified, so you can see how many of the results cost less than 7, and how many cost more.

The results come back this time in the facet_queries object, but have the same form as before. The facets are shown as a list of tuples, mapping query to number of results.

Facet pivot TODO https://wiki.apache.org/solr/HierarchicalFaceting#Pivot_Facets

Result grouping

For background, see http://wiki.apache.org/solr/FieldCollapsing.

Solr 3.3 added support for result grouping.

An example call looks like this:

>>> resp = si.query().group_by('genre_s', limit=10).execute()
>>> for g in resp.groups['genre_s']['groups']:
...     print "%s #%s" % (g['groupValue'], len(g['doclist']['docs']))
...     for d in  g['doclist']['docs']:
...         print "\t%s" % d['name']
fantasy #3
    The Lightning Thief
    The Sea of Monsters
    Sophie's World : The Greek Philosophers
IT #1
    Lucene in Action, Second Edition


For background, see http://wiki.apache.org/solr/HighlightingParameters.

Alongside the normal search results, you can ask Solr to return fragments of the documents, with relevant search terms highlighted. You do this with the chainable highlight() method.

Specify which field we would like to see highlighted:

>>> resp = si.query('thief').highlight('name').execute()
>>> resp.highlighting
{u'978-0641723445': {u'name': [u'The Lightning <em>Thief</em>']}}

It is also possible to specify a array of fields:

>>> si.query('thief').highlight(['name', 'title']).options()
{'hl': True, 'hl.fl': 'name,title', 'q': u'thief'}

Highlighting values will also be included in ``response.result.doc` and grouped results as a ``solr_highlights` attribute so that they can be accessed during result iteration.


For background, see https://wiki.apache.org/solr/PostingsHighlighter.

PostingsHighlighter is a new highlighter in Solr4.3 to summarize documents for summary results. You do this with the chainable postings_highlight() method.

Specify which field we would like to see highlighted:

>>> resp = si.query('thief').postings_highlight('name').execute()
>>> resp.highlighting
{u'978-0641723445': {u'name': [u'The Lightning <em>Thief</em>']}}

It is also possible to specify a array of fields:

>>> si.query('thief').postings_highlight(['name', 'title']).options()
{'hl': True, 'hl.fl': 'name,title', 'q': u'thief'}

Term Vectors

For background, see https://wiki.apache.org/solr/TermVectorComponent.

Alongside the normal search results, you can ask solr to return the term vector, the term frequency, inverse document frequency, and position and offset information for the documents. You do this with the chainable term_vector() method.

>>> resp = si.query('thief').term_vector(all=True).execute()

You can also specify for which fields you would like to get information:

>>> resp = si.query('thief').term_vector('name').execute()

It is also possible to specify a array of fields:

>>> si.query('thief').term_vector(['name', 'title'], all=True).execute()

More Like This

For background, see http://wiki.apache.org/solr/MoreLikeThis. Alongside a set of search results, Solr can suggest other documents that are similar to each of the documents in the search result.

More-like-this searches are accomplished with the mlt() chainable option. Solr needs to know which fields to consider when deciding similarity.

>>> resp = si.query(id="978-0641723445").mlt("genre_s", mintf=1, mindf=1).execute()
>>> resp.more_like_these
{u'978-0641723445': <scorched.response.SolrResult at 0x28b6350>}

>>> resp.more_like_these['978-0641723445'].docs
[{u'_version_': 1462820023772905472,
  u'author': u'Rick Riordan',
  u'author_s': u'Rick Riordan',
  u'cat': [u'book', u'paperback'],
  u'genre_s': u'fantasy',
  u'id': u'978-1423103349',
  u'inStock': True,
  u'name': u'The Sea of Monsters',
  u'pages_i': 304,
  u'price': 6.49,
  u'price_c': u'6.49,USD',
  u'sequence_i': 2,
  u'series_t': u'Percy Jackson and the Olympians'},
 {u'_version_': 1462820023776051200,
  u'author': u'Jostein Gaarder',
  u'author_s': u'Jostein Gaarder',
  u'cat': [u'book', u'paperback'],
  u'genre_s': u'fantasy',
  u'id': u'978-1857995879',
  u'inStock': True,
  u'name': u"Sophie's World : The Greek Philosophers",
  u'pages_i': 64,
  u'price': 3.07,
  u'price_c': u'3.07,USD',
  u'sequence_i': 1}]

Here we used mlt() options to alter the default behaviour (because our corpus is so small that Solr wouldn’t find any similar documents with the standard behaviour.

The SolrResponse object has a more_like_these attribute. This is a dictionary of SolrResult objects, one dictionary entry for each result of the main query. Here, the query only produced one result (because we searched on the uniqueKey. Inspecting the SolrResult object, we find that it contains only one document.

We can read the above result as saying that under the mlt() parameters requested, there was only one document similar to the search result.

To avoid having to do the extra dictionary lookup.

mlt() also takes a list of options (see the Solr documentation for a full explanation);

fields, count, mintf, mindf, minwl, mawl, maxqt, maxntp, boost

Alternative parser

Scorched supports the dismax and edismax parser. These can be added by simply calling alt_parser.


>>> si.query().alt_parser('edismax', mm=2).options()
{'defType': 'edismax', 'mm': 2, 'q': '*:*'}

The edismax parser also supports field aliases. Here is an example where foo is aliased to the fields bar and baz.


>>> si.query().alt_parser('edismax', f={'foo':['bar', 'baz']}).options()
{'defType': 'edismax', 'q': '*:*', 'f.foo.qf': 'bar baz'}

Set request handler

For background, see https://wiki.apache.org/solr/SolrRequestHandler. It is possible to set the request handler. To set a different request handler use set_requesthandler.


>>> si.query().set_requesthandler('foo').options()
{u'q': u'*:*', u'qt': 'foo'}

Set debug

For background, see https://wiki.apache.org/solr/CommonQueryParameters#Debugging. To see what Solr is doing with our query we need sometimes more info. To get this additional information we set debug.


>>> si.query().debug().options()
{u'debugQuery': True, u'q': u'*:*'}
>>>  si.query().debug().execute().debug
{u'QParser': u'LuceneQParser',
u'explain': {u'978-1423103349': u'\n1.0 = (MATCH) MatchAllDocsQuery, product of:\n  1.0 = queryNorm\n',
 u'978-1857995879': u'\n1.0 = (MATCH) MatchAllDocsQuery, product of:\n  1.0 = queryNorm\n',
 u'978-1933988177': u'\n1.0 = (MATCH) MatchAllDocsQuery, product of:\n  1.0 = queryNorm\n'},
u'parsedquery': u'MatchAllDocsQuery(*:*)',
u'parsedquery_toString': u'*:*',
u'querystring': u'*:*',
u'rawquerystring': u'*:*',
u'timing': {u'prepare': {u'debug': {u'time': 0.0},
  u'facet': {u'time': 0.0},
  u'highlight': {u'time': 0.0},
  u'mlt': {u'time': 0.0},
  u'query': {u'time': 0.0},
  u'stats': {u'time': 0.0},
  u'time': 0.0},
 u'process': {u'debug': {u'time': 0.0},
  u'facet': {u'time': 0.0},
  u'highlight': {u'time': 0.0},
  u'mlt': {u'time': 0.0},
  u'query': {u'time': 1.0},
  u'stats': {u'time': 0.0},
  u'time': 1.0},
 u'time': 1.0}}

Enable spellchecking

For background, see http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SpellCheckComponent. It is possible to activate spellchecking in yout query. To do that, use spellcheck.


>>> si.query().spellcheck().options()
{u'q': u'*:*', u'spellcheck': 'true'}

Realtime Get

For background, see https://wiki.apache.org/solr/RealTimeGet

Solr 4.0 added support for retrieval of documents that are not yet commited. The retrieval can only by done by id:

>>> resp = si.get("978-1423103349")

You can also pass multiple ids:

>>> resp = si.get(["978-0641723445", "978-1423103349"])

The return value is the same as for a normal search


For background, see https://wiki.apache.org/solr/StatsComponent

Solr can return simple statistics for indexed numeric fields:

>>> resp = solr.query().stats('int_field')

You can also pass multiple fields:

>>> resp = solr.query().stats(['int_field', 'float_field'])

The resulting statistics are available on the response at resp.stats.stats_fields.