Source code for scorched.connection

from __future__ import unicode_literals
from scorched.compat import str

import itertools
import json
import requests
import scorched.compat
import scorched.dates
import scorched.exc
import scorched.response
import time
import warnings

# Jetty default is 4096; Tomcat default is 8192; picking 2048 to be
# conservative.

def is_iter(val):
    return isinstance(val, (tuple, list))

[docs]class SolrConnection(object): readable = True writeable = True
[docs] def __init__(self, url, http_connection, mode, retry_timeout, max_length_get_url, search_timeout=()): """ :param url: url to Solr :type url: str :param http_connection: existing requests.Session object, or None to create a new one. :type http_connection: requests connection :param mode: mode (readable, writable) Solr :type mode: str :param retry_timeout: timeout until retry :type retry_timeout: int :param max_length_get_url: max length until switch to post :type max_length_get_url: int :param search_timeout: (optional) How long to wait for the server to send data before giving up, as a float, or a (connect timeout, read timeout) tuple. :type search_timeout: float or tuple """ self.http_connection = http_connection or requests.Session() if mode == 'r': self.writeable = False elif mode == 'w': self.readable = False self.url = url.rstrip("/") + "/" self.update_url = self.url + "update/json" self.select_url = self.url + "select/" self.mlt_url = self.url + "mlt/" self.get_url = self.url + "get/" self.retry_timeout = retry_timeout self.max_length_get_url = max_length_get_url self.search_timeout = search_timeout
[docs] def request(self, *args, **kwargs): """ :param args: arguments :type args: tuple :param kwargs: key word arguments :type kwargs: dict .. todo:: Make this api more explicit! """ try: return self.http_connection.request(*args, **kwargs) except (requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, requests.exceptions.Timeout): if self.retry_timeout < 0: raise time.sleep(self.retry_timeout) return self.http_connection.request(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get(self, ids, fl=None): """ Perform a RealTime Get """ # We always send the ids parameter to force the standart output format, # but use the id parameter for our actual data as `ids` can no handle # ids with commas params = [ ("ids", ""), ("wt", "json"), ] if is_iter(ids): for id in ids: params.append(("id", id)) else: params.append(("id", ids)) if fl: params.append(("fl", ",".join(fl))) qs = scorched.compat.urlencode(params) url = "%s?%s" % (self.get_url, qs) response = self.request("GET", url) if response.status_code != 200: raise scorched.exc.SolrError(response) return response.text
[docs] def update(self, update_doc, **kwargs): """ :param update_doc: data send to Solr :type update_doc: json data :returns: json -- json string Send json to Solr """ if not self.writeable: raise TypeError("This Solr instance is only for reading") body = update_doc if body: headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8"} else: headers = {} url = self.url_for_update(**kwargs) response = self.request('POST', url, data=body, headers=headers) if response.status_code != 200: raise scorched.exc.SolrError(response) return response.text
[docs] def url_for_update(self, commit=None, commitWithin=None, softCommit=None, optimize=None, waitSearcher=None, expungeDeletes=None, maxSegments=None): """ :param commit: optional -- commit actions :type commit: bool :param commitWithin: optional -- document will be added within that time :type commitWithin: int :param softCommit: optional -- performant commit without "on-disk" guarantee :type softCommit: bool :param optimize: optional -- optimize forces all of the index segments to be merged into a single segment first. :type optimze: bool :param waitSearcher: optional -- block until a new searcher is opened and registered as the main query searcher, :type waitSearcher: bool :param expungeDeletes: optional -- merge segments with deletes away :type expungeDeletes: bool :param maxSegments: optional -- optimizes down to at most this number of segments :type maxSegments: int :returns: str -- url with all extra paramters set This functions sets all extra parameters for the ``optimize`` and ``commit`` function. """ extra_params = {} if commit is not None: extra_params['commit'] = "true" if commit else "false" if commitWithin is not None: try: extra_params['commitWithin'] = int(commitWithin) except (TypeError, ValueError): raise ValueError( "commitWithin should be a number in milliseconds") if extra_params['commitWithin'] < 0: raise ValueError( "commitWithin should be a number in milliseconds") extra_params['commitWithin'] = str(extra_params['commitWithin']) if softCommit is not None: extra_params['softCommit'] = "true" if softCommit else "false" if optimize is not None: extra_params['optimize'] = "true" if optimize else "false" if waitSearcher is not None: extra_params['waitSearcher'] = "true" if waitSearcher else "false" if expungeDeletes is not None: extra_params[ 'expungeDeletes'] = "true" if expungeDeletes else "false" if maxSegments is not None: try: extra_params['maxSegments'] = int(maxSegments) except (TypeError, ValueError): raise ValueError("maxSegments") if extra_params['maxSegments'] <= 0: raise ValueError("maxSegments should be a positive number") extra_params['maxSegments'] = str(extra_params['maxSegments']) if 'expungeDeletes' in extra_params and 'commit' not in extra_params: raise ValueError("Can't do expungeDeletes without commit") if 'maxSegments' in extra_params and 'optimize' not in extra_params: raise ValueError("Can't do maxSegments without optimize") if extra_params: return "%s?%s" % (self.update_url, scorched.compat.urlencode( sorted(extra_params.items()))) else: return self.update_url
[docs] def select(self, params): """ :param params: LuceneQuery converted to a dictionary with search queries :type params: dict :returns: json -- json string We perform here a search on the `select` handler of Solr. """ if not self.readable: raise TypeError("This Solr instance is only for writing") params.append(('wt', 'json')) qs = scorched.compat.urlencode(params) url = "%s?%s" % (self.select_url, qs) if len(url) > self.max_length_get_url: warnings.warn( "Long query URL encountered - POSTing instead of " "GETting. This query will not be cached at the HTTP layer") url = self.select_url method = 'POST' kwargs = { 'data': qs, 'headers': { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}} else: method = 'GET' kwargs = {} if self.search_timeout != (): kwargs['timeout'] = self.search_timeout response = self.request(method, url, **kwargs) if response.status_code != 200: raise scorched.exc.SolrError(response) return response.text
[docs] def mlt(self, params, content=None): """ :param params: LuceneQuery converted to a dictionary with search queries :type params: dict :returns: json -- json string Perform a MoreLikeThis query using the content specified There may be no content if stream.url is specified in the params. """ if not self.readable: raise TypeError("This Solr instance is only for writing") params.append(('wt', 'json')) qs = scorched.compat.urlencode(params) base_url = "%s?%s" % (self.mlt_url, qs) method = 'GET' kwargs = {} if content is None: url = base_url else: get_url = "%s&stream.body=%s" % ( base_url, scorched.compat.quote_plus(content)) if len(get_url) <= self.max_length_get_url: url = get_url else: url = base_url method = 'POST' kwargs = { 'data': content, 'headers': {"Content-Type": "text/plain; charset=utf-8"}} response = self.request(method, url, **kwargs) if response.status_code != 200: raise scorched.exc.SolrError(response.content) return response.text
[docs]class SolrInterface(object): remote_schema_file = "schema?wt=json"
[docs] def __init__(self, url, http_connection=None, mode='', retry_timeout=-1, max_length_get_url=MAX_LENGTH_GET_URL, search_timeout=()): """ :param url: url to Solr :type url: str :param http_connection: optional -- already existing connection :type http_connection: requests connection :param mode: optional -- mode (readable, writable) Solr :type mode: str :param retry_timeout: optional -- timeout until retry :type retry_timeout: int :param max_length_get_url: optional -- max length until switch to post :type max_length_get_url: int :param search_timeout: (optional) How long to wait for the server to send data before giving up, as a float, or a (connect timeout, read timeout) tuple. :type search_timeout: float or tuple """ self.conn = SolrConnection( url, http_connection, mode, retry_timeout, max_length_get_url) self.schema = self.init_schema() self._datefields = self._extract_datefields(self.schema)
def init_schema(self): response = self.conn.request( 'GET', scorched.compat.urljoin(self.conn.url, self.remote_schema_file)) if response.status_code != 200: raise EnvironmentError( "Couldn't retrieve schema document - status code %s\n%s" % ( response.status_code, response.content) ) return response.json()['schema'] def _extract_datefields(self, schema): ret = [x['name'] for x in schema['fields'] if x['type'] == 'date'] ret.extend([x['name'] for x in schema['dynamicFields'] if x['type'] == 'date']) return ret def _should_skip_value(self, value): if value is None: return True if ( isinstance(value, dict) and 'set' in value and value['set'] is None ): return True return False def _prepare_date(self, value): ''' Prepare a value of type date ''' if is_iter(value): value = [str(scorched.dates.solr_date(v)) for v in value] else: value = str(scorched.dates.solr_date(value)) return value def _prepare_docs(self, docs): prepared_docs = [] for doc in docs: new_doc = {} for name, value in list(doc.items()): # XXX remove all None fields this is needed for adding date # fields if self._should_skip_value(value): continue if scorched.dates.is_datetime_field(name, self._datefields): if isinstance(value, dict) and 'set' in value: value['set'] = self._prepare_date(value['set']) else: value = self._prepare_date(value) new_doc[name] = value prepared_docs.append(new_doc) return prepared_docs
[docs] def add(self, docs, chunk=100, **kwargs): """ :param docs: documents to be added :type docs: dict :param chunk: optional -- size of chunks in which the add command should be split :type chunk: int :param kwargs: optinal -- additional arguments :type kwargs: dict :returns: list of SolrUpdateResponse -- A Solr response object. Add a document or a list of document to Solr. """ if hasattr(docs, "items") or not is_iter(docs): docs = [docs] # to avoid making messages too large, we break the message every # chunk docs. ret = [] for doc_chunk in grouper(docs, chunk): update_message = json.dumps(self._prepare_docs(doc_chunk)) ret.append(scorched.response.SolrUpdateResponse.from_json( self.conn.update(update_message, **kwargs))) return ret
[docs] def delete_by_query(self, query, **kwargs): """ :param query: criteria how witch entries should be deleted :type query: LuceneQuery :returns: SolrUpdateResponse -- A Solr response object. Delete entries by a given query """ delete_message = json.dumps({"delete": {"query": str(query)}}) ret = scorched.response.SolrUpdateResponse.from_json( self.conn.update(delete_message, **kwargs)) return ret
[docs] def delete_by_ids(self, ids, **kwargs): """ :param ids: ids of entries that should be deleted :type ids: list :returns: SolrUpdateResponse -- A Solr response object. Delete entries by a given id """ delete_message = json.dumps({"delete": ids}) ret = scorched.response.SolrUpdateResponse.from_json( self.conn.update(delete_message, **kwargs)) return ret
[docs] def commit(self, waitSearcher=None, expungeDeletes=None, softCommit=None): """ :param waitSearcher: optional -- block until a new searcher is opened and registered as the main query searcher, making the changes visible :type waitSearcher: bool :param expungeDeletes: optional -- merge segments with deletes away :type expungeDeletes: bool :param softCommit: optional -- perform a soft commit - this will refresh the 'view' of the index in a more performant manner, but without "on-disk" guarantees. :type softCommit: bool :returns: SolrUpdateResponse -- A Solr response object. A commit operation makes index changes visible to new search requests. """ ret = scorched.response.SolrUpdateResponse.from_json( self.conn.update('{"commit": {}}', commit=True, waitSearcher=waitSearcher, expungeDeletes=expungeDeletes, softCommit=softCommit)) return ret
[docs] def optimize(self, waitSearcher=None, maxSegments=None): """ :param waitSearcher: optional -- block until a new searcher is opened and registered as the main query searcher, making the changes visible :type waitSearcher: bool :param maxSegments: optional -- optimizes down to at most this number of segments :type maxSegments: int :returns: SolrUpdateResponse -- A Solr response object. An optimize is like a hard commit except that it forces all of the index segments to be merged into a single segment first. """ ret = scorched.response.SolrUpdateResponse.from_json( self.conn.update('{"optimize": {}}', optimize=True, waitSearcher=waitSearcher, maxSegments=maxSegments)) return ret
[docs] def rollback(self): """ :returns: SolrUpdateResponse -- A Solr response object. The rollback command rollbacks all add/deletes made to the index since the last commit """ ret = scorched.response.SolrUpdateResponse.from_json( self.conn.update('{"rollback": {}}')) return ret
[docs] def delete_all(self): """ :returns: SolrUpdateResponse -- A Solr response object. Delete everything """ return self.delete_by_query(self.Q(**{"*": "*"}))
[docs] def get(self, ids, fields=None): """ RealTime Get document(s) by id(s) :param ids: id(s) of the document(s) :type ids: list, string or int :param fields: optional -- list of fields to return :type fileds: list of strings """ ret = scorched.response.SolrResponse.from_get_json( self.conn.get(ids, fields), self._datefields) return ret
[docs] def search(self, **kwargs): """ :returns: SolrResponse -- A Solr response object. Search solr """ params =**kwargs) ret = scorched.response.SolrResponse.from_json(, self.schema['uniqueKey'], self._datefields, ) return ret
[docs] def query(self, *args, **kwargs): """ :returns: SolrSearch -- A solrsearch. Build a Solr query """ q = if len(args) + len(kwargs) > 0: return q.query(*args, **kwargs) else: return q
[docs] def mlt_query(self, fields, content=None, content_charset=None, url=None, query_fields=None, **kwargs): """ :param fields: field names to compute similarity upon :type fields: list :param content: optional -- string on witch to find similar documents :type content: str :param content_charset: optional -- charset e.g. (iso-8859-1) :type content_charset: str :param url: optional -- like content but retrive directly from url :type url: str :param query_fields: optional -- adjust boosting values for ``fields`` :type query_fields: dict e.g. ({"a": 0.25, "b": 0.75}) :returns: MltSolrSearch Perform a similarity query on MoreLikeThisHandler The MoreLikeThisHandler is expected to be registered at the '/mlt' endpoint in the solrconfig.xml file of the server. Other MoreLikeThis specific parameters can be passed as kwargs without the 'mlt.' prefix. """ q = self, content=content, content_charset=content_charset, url=url) return q.mlt(fields=fields, query_fields=query_fields, **kwargs)
[docs] def extract(self, fh, extractOnly=True, extractFormat='text'): """ :param fh: binary file (PDF, MSWord, ODF, ...) :type fh: open file handle :returns: SolrExtract Extract text and metadatada from binary file. The ExtractingRequestHandler is expected to be registered at the '/update/extract' endpoint in the solrconfig.xml file of the server. """ url = self.conn.url + 'update/extract' params = {'wt': 'json'} if extractOnly: params['extractOnly'] = 'true' params['extractFormat'] = extractFormat files = {'file': fh} response = self.conn.request('POST', url, params=params, files=files) if response.status_code != 200: raise scorched.exc.SolrError(response) return scorched.response.SolrExtract.from_json(response.json())
def Q(self, *args, **kwargs): q = q.add(args, kwargs) return q
[docs]def grouper(iterable, n): """ grouper('ABCDEFG', 3) --> [['ABC'], ['DEF'], ['G']] """ i = iter(iterable) g = list(itertools.islice(i, 0, n)) while g: yield g g = list(itertools.islice(i, 0, n))